Enterprise Issues
With Siaka Momoh
Leopards are outstandingly strong animals that guide their territory jealously. They are renowned for their agility. They run up to 58 kilometers per hour and can leap six meters horizontally and three meters vertically. The leopard is the most elusive and secretive of the large fetids. They are extremely difficult to trace and locate in the wild.
Subodh Pandit inbusinesswithnature.business.blog offers five business strategies similar to leopard traits,
He argues the strategy of using animals to express the business complexities is habitual for different organizations and entrepreneurs. For him, business strategy are built up on reality, competitiveness and trend. He says top companies like Apple, Tesla, Amazon have also been guided up with animals strategy with their aggression, survival for existence, growing huge with rapid change in nature and leading with effort.
According to Subodh Pandit “In this decade, you should be primarily nature friendly to grow and sow your business to the top level”. He has therefore come up here with five main strategies we must learn from leopard and nature:
1. Have a team cunning and intelligent like leopard:
Do you know what it worth to have a smart member than you exist in your team? No wonder you will have to give up your jealousy to taunt someone smarter than you for success of your business. Leopard are most intelligent and cunning among all the big cat family. Cunning in the sense that you are able to deceive your competitors and intelligent in the sense that you are able to attract customers for your business.
2. Never jump a step forward until you are sure to make a cut at other level:
Leopard can stay in the same position for more than eight hours. They only move when they are sure they can catch up a prey for their lunch. Never copy your competitors to jump at other level in the sense of jealousy that you are way back in your business. Some might get at other level early and some may take time it’s all on you how you uphold your business and plans. Make sure that everything is right to make a cut of your business or company at other level before you jump a step forward. Stay focused and wait for the accurate time.
3. Don’t stick up with the same strategy for long duration:
Trends are the beauty of business so it’s ideal to build up new trend for your business strategy and be ready to change it according to change in nature. Leopards never stay in same place or area for more than three days. So this is why they are smarter to get new prey and adapt to a different place in different situations. If you see your business not working with the strategy you made before just follow up the trends and modify your modules.
4. Be a better leader and hunt at night:
Leopards biggest strength is hunting at night as they have eye sight seven times better than human which makes them special and lead when everyone is inactive. For you; lead your business when everyone is inactive and compete when everyone is active. This is the strategy preferred by genuine organizations to grow and build up their business or company. Leopards vision are the most appreciated one so is to make your company or business vision the best to grow tremendous.
5. Understand the nature and be ready for harsh conditions:
Leopards are the only animal to adapt the harsh conditions of nature and are ready for every battle mainly with their biggest rivalry lion. A serious instance of corona virus led to shut down of many businesses and companies. So, ideally be ready for any natural outbreak or pandemics in future. Understand the nature and make a change in your strategies according to nature which will adapt your business or company in harsh unpredictable world of nature.
Our main focus always have been a business which is nature friendly and can change with change in nature so you are always stable and competitive in this business nature world.