Inspiring CEOs
Paul Kontonis, Charles Dearing
Inspiration isn’t very hard to come by in the business world. Head over to your local bookstore, and you’ll find hundreds of business books, all doling out different bits of advice on the same topics. But the right inspiration, from the right people is a little more difficult. Whether you’re interested in running your own business, or simply looking for leadership encouragement, great inspiration can steer you in the right direction. Here are ten of the most inspirational CEOs in the world:
- Jack Dorsey, Twitter & Square
Jack Dorsey runs two major tech giants simultaneously—and does it well. With Twitter and Square under his belt, you’d think one would have faltered while the other took the spotlight, but this isn’t the case. Twitter is the biggest micro blogging platform in the world, and Square led one of the biggest funding rounds in VC history. When it comes to starting a business, Dorsey advises others to “build what they see in the world” and to encourage other people to believe in their ideas, too. Getting help is half the battle.
- Charles Phillips, Infor
Charles Phillips is the CEO of Infor, one of the world’s largest providers of enterprise services and applications. Phillips has been profiled in business magazines like Fast Company, and applauded for his leadership skills and startup approach to running a major corporation (his clients include the likes of Ferrari and Heineken). In a business world where lean, agile growth is preferred, Phillip is inspirational in his methodologies. Since he was brought on board from Oracle, Infor has been considered “the biggest startup in the world.”
- Mary T. Barra, General Motors
In an auto industry dominated by men, Mary T. Barra, CEO of General Motors, became the first female to lead an auto company. Under her tenure, Barra has encouraged the company to branch out from the automobile space, and focus on the tech potential of vehicle advancement. As a result, GM remains at the forefront of the driverless vehicle movement. Barra is also the 12th person to be elected as a Disney board member. Roger Iger, the CEO of Disney, says of Barra, “Her ability to adapt to a changing technological and consumer-focused landscape makes her uniquely suited for the Disney board.”
- Larry Page, Google
No list of inspirational CEOs is complete without mentioning Larry Page, who continues to run one of the most user-focused businesses of all time. Page has completely revolutionized the Internet, and remains very modest in his role in the history of the World Wide Web. Google, like a handful of other billion-dollar businesses, was started with very little resources in a garage.According to Page, school isn’t as necessary as one might think, and this is highly encouraging to people who possess the entrepreneurial spirit, but lack funds for education. Rather, the drive and passion to build something that matters is what takes a person far. “It’s not necessary to go to school to launch a business,” he says. “I read a whole shelf of business books and that was basically all I needed’.
- Tony Hsieh, Zappos
To start, Zappos is consistently ranked as one of the best companies in the world to work for—and customer happiness reflects that. Tony Hsieh is the reason for all this. Zappos yields billion-dollar revenues, and one of the many reasons he’s so inspirational is because he puts the happiness of his employees and customers at the front of the priority line. Furthermore, the company culture is a great example of what other businesses should strive towards. His desk is the same size as the employees who work the call center, and there are no doors that separate employees.
- Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn
Jeff Weiner had the groundbreaking idea of starting a “Facebook” for professionals, today, it’s one of the leading social platforms. He’s one of the highest-rated CEOs on Glassdoor, and sets the precedent for what it takes to be a phenomenal leader. According to Weiner, part of being a great leader involves being mindful of others and communicating your vision. “As a leader, you have to believe in that vision with every fiber of your being,” he says. “Then you have to effectively communicate that, whether it’s through word or it’s through deed or ideally both.”
- Tim Cook
Filling the shoes of one of the greatest luminaries of all time is no easy task. When Steve Jobs passed away, many people thought no one could properly take his place. And while there is no real Steve Jobs “replacement,” it’s safe to say that no one could do a better job than Tim Cook, who stepped up to the plate and has held steady since. Virgin CEO Richard Branson dedicated an entire blog post to describing the handful of people that are most inspirational to him, and Tim Cook made the cut. In the blog, he states, “Tim Cook not only successfully took up the Apple reins, but also moved the world forward by publicly declaring he was gay and proud of it.” If being yourself in one of the most prominent roles in the world isn’t inspiring, what is?
- Elon Musk, Tesla & SpaceX
It’s impossible to not think of Elon Musk and wonder whether he has a few duplicates milling around, changing the face of technology as we know it. Elon Musk is a jack of all trades, and his work on Tesla and SpaceX are just two examples of this. Musk is known for thinking beyond the box, and doing what it takes to bring any idea—no matter how outlandish—to fruition.
- Bill Gates, Bill & Melissa Gates Foundation
Bill Gates is most popular for his role at Microsoft, a company he founded in 1975 and steered its growth until 2,000. Now, his full time role is at the Bill & Melissa Gates foundation, the largest private foundation in the country. Its mission are to reduce poverty, improve healthcare, and expand educational access in America.
- Pete Cashmore, Mashable
Pete Cashmore founded Mashable when he was just 19 years old, and since then Mashable has remained on the one most reputable sources for tech news. Cashmore is inspirational because he never let age hinder or define his ability to grow a small website into a global news source. Though the company was created in 2005, by 2009, Time had already considered it one of the top 25 blogs. What’s more is that, unlike many CEOs, who eventually sell their companies and move on, Cashmore still remains at the helms and stays directly involved.
About the Author: Charles Dearing has an MBA and is a blogger and contributor to various marketing and business blogs. He is one of the frequent writers behind the sucessfull blog Opportunitiesplanet.
Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.