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Saturday, July 27, 2024


We Have Billions Of Funding Directed To Healthcare, Education, And Other Sectors

  … but I look at that as water being poured into a basket, says Damilola Bakare,

Communication Associate, Aig Imoukhuede Foundation.

  Educational and professional background   I hold a bachelor’s degree in political science with a minor in Economics from Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. I began my career as a content writer and this sparked a passion for clear and impactful communications, leading me to pursue a career in communications. I am a certified public relations professional with 4 years of experience in the communications field.   Inspiration
My studies ignited a passion for international development. Witnessing the complex interplay of political and economic forces shaping a nation’s development trajectory deeply fascinated me. In particular, the Marxist concept of the economic base and superstructure resonated strongly with my interest. I was particularly interested in how these forces could be reconciled to work together for a common goal. So, recognizing the crucial role of NGOs in bridging the gap between government and the private sector through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), I honed my interest in this niche. My four years of experience in the impact sector have solidified my commitment to this field. Every day reinforces my belief that it is where I belong.
  Role at AigImoukhuede Foundation
At the Foundation, I work in the Communications unit. My role is to amplify all our impactful initiatives, ensuring our strategic goals are achieved. This involves a wide range of activities, such as advocacy campaigns, marketing communications, branding initiatives, event management, and media relations.  
What your typical day looks like
My day is a dynamic mix of activities! I typically start by checking emails and reviewing upcoming deadlines. Then, I get into brainstorming sessions for creative content for social media campaigns or crafting content about our latest initiatives, I also work on strategy implementation tasks, collaborating with internal and external stakeholders.   What makes work at the Foundation unique
Hmm, quite some things to be fair. But one thing that stands out for me is the wholesale approach we adopt, and this is summed up in a profound statement by our EVC, Ofovwe Aig-Imoukhuede – “Without a thriving public sector, the economy can only go so far. We have billions of funding directed to healthcare, education, and other sectors, but I look at that as water being poured into a basket. Because if we do not have a solid foundation of the public sector to actually drive and implement those programmes, all that money is being wasted.” Our work impacts all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), fostering sustainable changes that will benefit generations long after we are gone. So, the uniqueness of our work is in the scope of depth (sustainability) and scope of reach (public sector-wide).  
Most rewarding  aspect of work
The most rewarding aspect of my work is the tangibility of the impact it has. Seeing positive changes take root and knowing that this is sustainable change, not quick fixes is incredibly fulfilling.

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